KeyShot Viewer

KeyShot Viewer is a free, stand-alone desktop application that allows you to safely and securely share your KeyShot scenes. This application is most useful for users who need an interactive space to present their photo-realistic 3D models, using the same real-time ray tracing render engine as KeyShot to produce striking visuals with speed and quality.

What does it do?

The KeyShot viewer allows users to open, view and interact with a KeyShot scene in real-time. Becasue of the responsive nature of the application, you can use a mouse, touch pen, stylus or finger to explore your scenes or change the materials and lighting.

KeyShot Benchmark

Wonder how fast your CPU or GPU will render your KeyShot scenes in relation to a reference system? The KeyShot Benchmark provides an easy, fast evaluation of your rendering system. So you’ll know exactly how fast your designs will render.


The KeyShot Viewer application has a vast array of features to complement your design review, presentations, and collaboration. These features include:

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